Friday, October 17, 2008

The Apollo 1 Tragedy ( 27 January 1967 ) .

Edward White, Command Pilot.
Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Comander.
Roger Chaffee, Pilot.

One of the worst tragedies in the history of spaceflight occured on January 27,1967 when the crew of Gus Grissom,Edward White and Roger Chaffee were killed in a fire in the Apollo Command Module during a preflight test a Cape Canaveral. They were training for the first crewed Apollo flight,an Earth orbiting mission scheduled to be launched on 21 February. They were taking part in a "PLUGS-OUT" test,in which the Command Module was mounted on the Saturn 1B on the launch pad just as it would be for the actual launch,but the Saturn 1B was not fueled. The plan was to go through an entire countdown sequence.

At 1 p.m on Friday,27 January 1967 the astronauts entered the capsule on Pad 34 to begin the test. A number of minor problems cropped up which delayed the test considerably and finally a failure in communications forced a hold in the count at 5:40 p.m. At 6:31 one of the astronauts (probably Chaffee) reported, "Fire,I smell fire." Two seconds later White was Heard to say, "Fire in the cockpit." The fire spread throughout the cabin in a matter of seconds. The last crew communication ended 17 seconds after the start of the fire,followed by loss of all telemetry. The Apollo hatch could only open inward and was held closed by a number of latches which had to be operated by ratches. It was also held closed by the interior pressure,which was higher than outside atmospheric pressure and required venting of the command module before the hatch could be opened. It look at least 90 seconds to get the hatch open under ideal conditions. Because theh cabin had been filled with a pure oxygen atmosphere at normal pressure for the test and there had been many hours for the oxygen to permeate all the material in the cabin,the fire spread rapidly and the astronauts had no chance to get the hatch open. Nearby technicians tried to get to the hatch but were repeatedly driven back by the heat and smoke. By the time they succeeded in getting the hatch open roughly 5 minutes after the fire started the astronauts had already perished,probably within the first 30 seconds,due to smoke inhalation and burns.

The Apollo program was put on hold while an exhaustive investigation was made of the accident. It was concluded that the most likely cause was a spark from a short circuit in a bundle of wires than ran to the left and just in front of Grissom's seat. The large amount of flammable material in the cabin in the oxygen environment allowed the fireto start and spread quickly. A number of changes were instigated in the program over the next year and a half,including designing a new hatch which opened outward and could be operated quickly,removing much of the flammable material and replacing it with self-extinguishing components,using a nitrogen-oxygen mixture at launch, and recording all changes and overseeing all modifications to the spacecraft design more rigorously.

The mission,originally disignated Apollo 204 but commonly referred to as Apollo 1, was officially assigned the name "Apollo 1" in honor of Grissom, White and Chaffee. The first Saturn V launch (uncrewed) in November 1967 was designated Apollo 4 (no mmissions were ever designated Apollo 2 or 3). The Apollo 1 Command Module capsule 012 was impounded and studied after the accident and was then locked away in a storage facility at NASA Langley Research Center. The changes made to the Apollo Command Module as a the complex and dangerous trip to the moon almost commonplace. The eventual success of the Apollo program is a tribute to Gus Grissom,Ed White and Roger Chaffee,three fine astronauts whose tragic loss was not in vain.

(From : 1 into.html).

Thursday, August 7, 2008

BLacK HoLe

ketika sebuah galaksi terbentuk , pusatnya (tempat sebagian besar materialnya berada) menjadi sangat rapat n membentuk sebuah bintang yg sangat besar . Kadang-kadang bintang bentukan ini dapat berukuran jutaan kali lebih besar dari pada Matahari n sebuah lubang hitam dapat terbentuk di pusatnya.
Bintang adalah bola raksasa yg terbentuk dari gas hidrogen dan debu yg dipersatukan oleh gaya gravitasi . Saat gas hidrogen dan debu tersedot ke dalam , suhu bintang tsb meningkat , menyebabkan gas hidrogen berubah menjadi helium . Hampir pada seluruh masa hidup sebuah bintang , pelepasan energi ini menyeimbangkan tarikan gravitasi yg kearah dalam . Meskipun demikian , saat bintang kehabisan gas hidrogen , gaya tarik gravitasi akan melebihi energi yg dilepaskan . Akibatnya , bintang tsb mulai mengerut dan saat lapisan luarnya mulai tertarik ke dalam , inti bintang tsb memadat dan memanas hingga miliaran derajat celcius .
Jika pada awalnya bintang tsb mempunyai massa sekitar 5 kali lebih besar daripada massa Matahari kita , bintang tsb kemudian meledak dalam sebuah supernova dan lapisan luarnya akan terlempar keluar angkasa , yg tersisa adalah inti yg sangat padat dan sangat besar . Gaya gravitasi ini tsb sedemikian kuat sehingga terus menerus mengempis sampai benar-benar menghilang dari pandangan . Para ilmuwan menyebut inti yg menghilang ini dengan nama " LUBANG HITAM ".

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Matahari adlh sbuah bintang massa gas hidrogen yg besar , yg disatukan oleh gaya gravitasi . Ketika sbagian besar objek di tekan , suhunya meningkat . Berat sluruh bagian Matahari yg t'mampat kan di bagian pusatnya menyebabkan suhu yg sangat tinggi , dan suhu ini menyebabkan atom-atom hidrogen saling b'benturan pd kelajuan yg sangat tinggi.
Ketika suhu di pusat Matahari meningkat sampai melebihi 10 juta derajat Celcius , bagian ini menjadi seperti sbuah reaktor nuklir raksasa . Atom-atom di pusat Matahari b'grak dg kecepatan skitar 500 km/detik . sedemikian cepatnya shingga saat b'benturan , atom-atom ini saling menempel dan membentuk atom-atom yg lebih berat yaitu Helium . Proses ini ( dinamakan FUSI ) melepas energi yg mampu menerangi dan memanaskan Sistem Tata Surya kita . Dibutuhkan 4 atom Hidrogen untuk membuat 1 atom helium . Proses ini menempuh beberapa langkah . 2 atom hidrogen berbenturan dan membentuk deuterium ( sejenis hidrogen yg berat ) . Kemudian 2 atom deuterium berbenturan dan membentuk helium.
Saat ini Matahari mengubah hidrogen menjadi helium , sekitar 1 % materinya lepas dalam bentuk energi . Energi ini memanaskan inti Matahari hingga melebihi 15 juta derajat celcius . Di butuhkan lebih dari 1 juta thn , agar bahang dari inti Matahari merambat ke permukaan . Di bagian permukaan , Matahari memancarkan energi bahang dan cahaya keluar ke ruang angkasa . Dari warna Matahari , kita bisa mengetahui bahwa suhu pada permukaannya hanya sekitar 6.000 derajat Celcius.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Hari Alien !!!

Di Amerika Serikat pernah ada seseorang membuat ide dg mem -
bentuk hari ALIEN .
Tujuannya,untuk menghormati para pengunjung dari planet lain di masa lalu , kini n' masa mendatang .
Ada beberapa pihak lain yg menghubungkan dengan wilayah "Roswell".Karen di yakini di tempat itu pernah ada pesawat alien yg jatuh sekitar 50 thn yg lalu.
Ide itu di kabarkan untuk meningkatkan hubungan antar warga kosmos,baik yg di ketahui maupun yg tidak di ketahui.

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